Friday, May 30, 2008

Gockel Love American Style III painting

Gockel Love American Style III painting
Gockel Love American Style IV painting
Gockel Mary's Bouquet II painting
Gockel Metamorphosis III painting
Of course you did, and spoiled your story by beginning at the wrong end. Now, start right, and tell me how it all happened. I'm pining to know."
"Well, I did it to please Amy," began Laurie, with a twinkle that made Jo exclaim . . .
"Fib number one. Amy did it to please you. Go on, and tell the truth, if you can, sir."
"Now she's beginning to marm it. Isn't it jolly to hear her?" said Laurie to the fire, and the fire glowed and sparkled as if it quite agreed. "It's all the same, you know, she and I being one. We planned to come home with the Carrols, a month or more ago, but they suddenly changed their minds, and decided to pass another winter in Paris. But Grandpa wanted to come home. He went to please me, and I couldn't let him go along, neither could I leave Amy, and Mrs. Carrol had got English notions about chaperons and such nonsense, and wouldn't let Amy come with us. So I just settled the difficulty by saying, `Let's be married, and then we can do as we like'."
"Of course you did. You always have things to suit you."

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