Thursday, May 15, 2008

painting in oil

painting in oil
last double event. 'Twas signed 'The Avenger,' in just the same printed characters as on that bit of paper he always leaves behind him. Mind you, it don't follow that it actually was The Avenger what sent that letter here, but it looks uncommonly like it, and I know that the Boss attaches quite a lot of importance to it."
"And where was it posted?" asked Bunting. "That might be a bit of a clue, you know."
"Oh, no," said the other. "They always goes a very long way to post anything - criminals do. It stands to reason they would. But this particular one was put in the Edgware Road Post Office."
"What? Close to us?" said Bunting. "Goodness! dreadful!"
"Any of us might knock up against him any minute. I don't suppose The Avenger's in any way peculiar-looking -in fact we know he ain't."
"Then you think that woman as says she saw him did see him?" asked Bunting hesitatingly.
Our description was made up from what she said," answered the other cautiously. "But,

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