Thursday, November 6, 2008

Johannes Vermeer A Lady Writing a Letter painting

Johannes Vermeer A Lady Writing a Letter painting
William Bouguereau Jeune Bergere Debout painting
meaning--loaded songs as _We Shall Overcome_, and even, for Pete's sake, _Nkosi Sikelel" iAfrika_. As if all causes were the same, all histories interchangeable. -- But he said none of these things, because his head had begun to spin and his senses to reel, owing to his premonition of his death.
-- Hanif Johnson was finishing his speech. _As Dr. Simba has written, newness will enter this society by collective, not individual, actions_. He was quoting what Chamcha recognized as one of Camus's most popular slogans. _The passage from speech to moral action, Hanif was saying, has a name: to become human_. -- And now a pretty young British Asian woman with a slightly-toobulbous nose and a dirty, bluesy voice was launching into Bob Dylan's song, _I Pity the Poor Immigrant_. Another false and imported note, this: the song actually seemed rather hostile towards immigrants, though there were lines that struck chords, about the immigrant's visions shattering like

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