Thursday, January 8, 2009

Andy Warhol Mao Pink Shirt

Andy Warhol Mao Pink ShirtAndy Warhol Mao 1972Andy Warhol Knives black and white
Ladies, you've just had a passionate roll in the hay with your significant other (or drunken mistake). Since you're a girl, all you want to do after sex is cuddle and talk about and missing your period. But when you roll over, he's alreadyActually no. There's a scientific reason men fall asleep after sex. It's not their fault.
According to experts, an orgasm literally changes a man's body chemistry. Combine that with the physical exertion of sex and chances are that most dudes will go down like they were hit with a tranquilizer dart.
So please, ladies, stop treating it like a personality flaw. And snoring into his pillow!Anyone who's ever seen a female stand-up comedian has heard this story. He just wants to shoot his wad and doze off, probably immediately after leaving the toilet seat up! Am I right ladies? It fits in nicely with the stereotype that men don't care about romance, and that women are emotionally needy. But it's just a cliche, right?...

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