Saturday, January 3, 2009

Jack Vettriano The Man in the Mirror

Jack Vettriano The Man in the MirrorJack Vettriano The Main AttractionJack Vettriano The Mad Hairdresser study
possible and who had already taken his stand next to Light, so as to be sure of going in front of his little master and mistress. the window, which lengthened magically downwards, like a door. They all went out on tip-toe, after which the window resumed its usual shape. And so it came about that, on Christmas Night, in the clear light of the moon, while the bells rang out lustily, proclaiming the birth of Jesus, Tyltyl and Mytyl went in search of the Blue Bird that was to bring theAt that moment, there came a knocking even more dreadful than before. "There's Daddy again!" said Tyltyl. "He's getting up, this time; I can hear him walking…" "You see," said the Fairy, "you have no choice now; it is too late; you must all start with us... But you, Fire, don't come near anybody; you, Dog, don't tease the Cat; you, Water, try not to run all over the place; and you, Sugar, stop crying, unless you want to melt. Bread shall carry the cage in which to put the Blue Bird; and you shall all come to my house, where I will dress the Animals and the Things properly... Let us go out this way!" As she spoke, she pointed her wand at

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