Monday, February 2, 2009

John William Waterhouse Waterhouse Narcissus

John William Waterhouse Waterhouse NarcissusJohn William Waterhouse The Lady of ShalottJohn William Waterhouse waterhouse Ophelia
Will trembled with excitement, and his mind leapt to a single point: to a new window in the air between his world and Lyra's. And it would be their secret, and they could go through whenever they chose, and live for a while in each can't, Will...”
And he suddenly knew her thought, and in the same anguished tone, he said, "No, the dead...”
"We must leave it open for them! We must!"
"Yes, otherwise..."
"And we must make enough Dust for them, Will, and keep the window open...”
She was trembling. She felt very young as he held her to his side.
"And if we do," he said shakily, "if we live our lives properly other's worlds, not living fully in either, so their daemons would keep they could grow up together and maybe, much later on, they might have children, who would be secret citizens of two worlds; and they could bring all the learning of one world into the other, they could do all kinds of good...But Lyra was shaking her head."No," she said in a quiet wail, "we

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