Sunday, July 13, 2008

famous painting

famous painting
“I am starting to freak out,” she says, plucking at the paper napkin swaddling her glass. “The ideas are there but now we have to do the real thing.” This is why she is wearing the plastic bead necklace, which, it turns out, was a gift for good luck; the hat is from last summer’s collection; and the sandals are from her current autumn/winter line, a revisionist version of 1950s couture that’s responsible for the current spate of “black is back” headlines in every glossy magazine. major international trend after major international trend in the 27 years since she joined the family business. “I come here all the time!” says Prada of the bar, perching herself on one of the benches in the window. “It is right next to my flat, which is in the building where I grew up, and my mother is still there, on the first floor, and my brother is on the third floor, and it is right

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