Friday, August 22, 2008

Gustav Klimt The Bride painting

Gustav Klimt The Bride paintingGustav Klimt Hope paintingClaude Monet The Seine At Argenteuil painting
; it went without saying that our normal program was dispensed with; no mention was made of the night's events -- indeed not of anything -- until at the end of a wordless breakfast he ventured to touch my hand.
"You haven't reallydone any flunkèdness, you know. You were just a kid before, and now you've learned you got badness in you like we all do. It don't have to come out."
"Cruelness and folly," I said. "It'll come out."
"So maybe a little here and there. Who's perfect?"
I looked him in the eyes. "Enos Enoch was."
"Ja." Max bobbed his head, as he had in the moonlight. "Then swallow once and be done, dear boy: are you another Enos Enoch?"
I shook my head.
My teacher could not contain his delight: he squeezed my hand in both of his and nodded furiously, frowning and smiling together.
"Pass you, boy! Pass you for admitting that!" Tears sprang; his syntax faltered. "All that talk of Eierkopf's about a GILES -- just madness. I knew it! Every chance, Founder knows! I went right by the book, and not once but two and three times

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