Thursday, February 26, 2009

Paul Gauguin Nave Nave Moe

Paul Gauguin Nave Nave MoePaul Gauguin Manao tupapauPaul Gauguin Mahana No AtuaPaul Gauguin Les Alyscamps
meticulously kept a diary since the age of 10. She has filled more than 50,000 pages with tiny writing, documenting every occurrence, no matter how insignificant. writing things down helps Price organize the thoughts and images shimmering in her head.
In fact, sheMcGaugh and his colleagues concluded that Price's episodic memory, her recollection of personal experiences and the emotions associated with them, is virtually perfect. A case like this has never been described in the history of memory research, according to McGaugh. He explains that Price differs substantially from other people with special powers of recall, such as autistic savants, because she uses no strategies to help her remember and even does a surprisingly p feels a strong need to document her life. This includes hoarding every possible memento from childhood, including dolls, stuffed animals, cassette tapes, books, a drawer from dresser she had when she was five. "I have to be able to touch my memories," Price explains.oor job

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

George Stubbs Horse Attacked by a Lion

George Stubbs Horse Attacked by a LionSalvador Dali The Land of Milk and HoneyCaravaggio Sick BacchusUnknown Artist Wave RiderJohannes Vermeer Young Woman with a Water Jug
simply loaded down the books of dead mages with leaden pentagrams and threw them over the Edge. Near the Hub less satisfactory alternatives were available. Inserting the offending books in canisters of negatively polarized octiron and sinking them in the fathomless depths of the sea was one (burial in deep caves on land was earlier ruled out after some districts complained of walking trees and five-headed cats) but before long the magic seeped out and eventually fishermen complained of shoals of invisible fish or psychic clams.
A temporaryme, of course."
"And no-one knows what the spell does?"
Rincewind shook his head.
"It'd vanished from the page," he said. "No-one will know until I say it. Or until I die, of course. Then it will sort of say itself. For all I know it stops the universe, or ends solution was the construction, in various centres of magical lore, of large rooms made of denatured octiron, which is impervious to most forms of magic. Here the more critical grimoires could be stored until their potency had attenuated.That was how there came to be at Unseen University the Octavo, greatest of all grimoires, formerly owned by the Creator of the Universe. It was this book that Rincewind had once opened for a bet. He had only a second to stare at a page before setting off various alarm spells, but that was time enough for one spell to leap from it and settle in his memory like a toad in a stone. "Then what?" said Twoflower."Oh, they dragged me out. Thrashed

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vincent van Gogh Stairway at Auvers

Vincent van Gogh Stairway at AuversVincent van Gogh Souvenir de MauveVincent van Gogh Peach Tree in BloomVincent van Gogh The Red Vineyard
don't know," said Serafina Pekkala. "How he'll do it, and what his task will be, we can't tell. There are powers who speak to us, and there are powers above them; and there are secrets even from the most high."
"The of the balloon, pulled by six or seven witches sitting on their cloud-pine branches. The stars shone as bright and cold and hard as diamonds.
"Why en't you cold, Serafina Pekkala?"
"We feel cold, but we don't mind it, because we will not come to harm. And if we wrapped up against the cold, we wouldn't feel other things, like the bright tingle of the stars, or the the Aurora, or best of all the silky feeling of moonlight on our skin. It's worth being cold for that." "Could I feel them?"
"No. You would die if you took your furs off. Stay wrapped up."alethiometer would tell me! I could read it now...."But it was too cold; she would never have managed to hold it. She bundled herself up and pulled the hood tight against the chill of the wind, leaving only a slit to look through. Far ahead, and a little below, the long rope extended from the suspension ring

Monday, February 23, 2009

Thomas Kinkade Clearing Storms

Thomas Kinkade Clearing StormsThomas Kinkade Bridge of FaithThomas Kinkade Autumn LaneJohn Collier Spring
And they were going to-going to cut-"
"Hush, dear, hush. I'm going to find out what's been going on."
"But why were they going to do that? I never done anything wrong! All the kids are afraid of what happens in there, anymore!"
"Lyra...Lyra, Lyra. Darling, these are big difficult ideas, Dust and so on. It's not something for children to worry about. But the doctors do it for the children's own good, my love. Dust is something bad, something wrong, something evil and wicked.and no one knows. But it's horrible. It's worse than anything....Why are they doing that, Mrs. Coulter? Why are they so cruel?""There, there...You're safe, my dear. They won't ever do it to you. Now I know you're here, and you're safe, you'll never be in danger again. No one's going to harm you, Lyra darling; no one's ever going to hurt you....""But they do it to other children! Why?""Ah, my love-""It's Dust, isn't it?""Did they tell you that? Did the doctors say that?""The kids know it. All the kids talk about it, but no one knows! And they nearly done it to me-you got to tell me! You got no right to keep it secret, not

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sandro Botticelli Venus and Mars

Sandro Botticelli Venus and MarsJean Beraud La Rue de la PaixHenri Rousseau The Snake CharmerHenri Rousseau The Dream
him to evolve the subtler patterns of overlapping planes characteristic of his mature work. At this time he was friendly withrecalled that he spent so much time at the Bal Bullier, their favourite night-spot, that they wondered that he still had enough energy left to work.
"Cuadro Flamenco, did not come to fruition, but in November 1922 Diaghilev commissioned Gris to design sets and costumes for Les Tentations de la Berë, which was premiered in 1924. In 1925 Gris had his first exhibition - and the only one in his lifetime - outside France, at the Flechtheim Gallery in Duesseldorf. His health was now very poor: bronchitis was succeeded by asthma and finally by uremia. Gris died on 11 May 1927 at the age of forty, leaving a wife, Josette, and a son, Georges." The outbreak of war brought a momentary check, since Kahnweiler was an enemy alien and was forced to leave Paris. Gris's contract with him lapsed, but in 1917 he was able to make another with Leonce Rosenberg which tided him over until Kahnweiler's return to France, when he renewed his former allegiance. But in 1920, just after his new contract was signed, Gris suffered a serious attack of pleurisy, and his health was never to be strong again. "Diaghilev was now taking an interest in Gris, having recognized in him a kind of classicism in tune with postwar taste. A first project, for

Friday, February 20, 2009

Claude Monet Haystack At Giverny

Claude Monet Haystack At GivernyClaude Monet Monet Water Lillies IDaniel Ridgway Knight On the Way to Market
The man said uneasily, "Not thinking he had a need for it, I gave it to my dogs. I do beg your pardon."
"It en't my pardon you need, it's his," she said, and turned at once to kneel again, and laid her hand on the dead child's icy.
"I hope that'll do, if I provide for you like a Jordan Scholar," she whispered to the dead boy, and forced his teeth apart to slip the coin into his mouth. It was hard, but she managed it, and managed to close his jaw again.
Then she gave the man back his knife and turned in the morning twilight to go back to Farder Coram. cheek.Then an idea came to her, and she fumbled inside her furs. The cold air struck through as she opened her anorak, but in a few seconds she had what she wanted, and took a gold coin from her purse before wrapping herself close again."I want to borrow your knife," she said to the man who'd taken the fish, and when he'd let her have it, she said to Pantalaimon: "What was her name?"He understood, of course, and said, "Ratter."She held the coin tight in her left mittened hand and, holding the knife like a pencil, scratched the lost daemon's name deeply into the gold

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Paul Cezanne A Modern Olympia

Paul Cezanne A Modern OlympiaLaurie Maitland Autumn SongWilliam Bouguereau Yvonne
Berkeley restaurant Chez Panisse. Inspired by her experiences in France, she promoted the use of produce from local farms that is in season and advocated planting vegetable gardens in schools.
More than 30 . This year's festival features a number of films relating to the new food movement, including the documentary "Food, Inc.," which is highly critical of industrial food production, and the Slow Food portrait "Terra Madre."
SPIEGEL ONLINE talked to Alice Waters about the rise of the Slow Food movement years later, Waters is promoting sustainable agriculture as tirelessly as ever. She is now vice president of the international Slow Food movement, which promotes regionally grown goods and local culinary traditions. In November, Waters wrote an open letter to then President-elect Barack Obama, offering her services as an adviser and urging him to plant a vegetable garden on the White House lawn.This February she enjoys another distinction: The self-confessed movie buff is a member of the jury at the Berlin International Film Festival

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nicolas De Stael Agrigente 1953

Nicolas De Stael Agrigente 1953Rodney White Small ChangeRodney White Share a Random Moment
was living with this lady, right..."
Lyra clumsily collected her story and shook it into order as if she were settling a pack of cards ready for dealing. She told them everything, except about the alethiometer.
"And do experiments on 'em. At first we reckoned they tried out different diseases and but there'd be no reason to start that all of a sudden two or three years back. Then we thought about the Tartars, maybe there's some secret deal they're making up Siberia way; because the Tartars want to move north just as much as the rest, for the coal spirit and the fire mines, and there's been rumors of war for even longer than the Gobblers been going. And we reckoned the then last night at this cocktail party I found out what they were really doing. Mrs. Coulter was one of the Gobblers herself, and she was going to use me to help her catch more kids. And what they do is-"Ma Costa left the cabin and went out to the cockpit. Tony waited till the door was shut, and cut in:"We know what they do. Least, we know part of it. We know they don't come back. Them kids is taken up north, far out the way, and they

Monday, February 16, 2009

Alexandre Cabanel Cleopatra

Alexandre Cabanel CleopatraThomas Gainsborough The Watering PlaceThomas Gainsborough The Morning Walk
face. To be exiled from the grandeur of Jordan, the splendor and fame of its scholarship, to a dingy brick-built boardinghouse of a at the northern end of Oxford, with dowdy female Scholars who smelled of cabbage and mothballs like those two at dinner!
The Master saw her expression, and saw Pantalaimon's polecat eyes flash red.
He said, "Lyra nodded eagerly, and said, "And she's really going to...look after me?"
"Would you like that?"
She could hardly sit still. The Master smiled. He smiled so rarely that he was But suppose it were Mrs. Coulter?"Instantly Pantalaimon's fur changed from coarse brown to downy white. Lyra's eyes widened."Really?""She is by way of being acquainted with Lord Asriel. Your uncle, of course, is very concerned with your welfare, and when Mrs. Coulter heard about you, she offered at once to help. There is no Mr. Coulter, by the way; she is a widow. Her husband died very sadly in an accident some years ago; so you might bear that in mind before you ask."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thomas Cole Home in the Woods

Thomas Cole Home in the WoodsPierre Auguste Renoir At The TheatrePierre Auguste Renoir The Large Bathers
moonlight. It showed a small group of tents in the foreground, dimly outlined against the low horizon, and beside them an untidy heap of wooden boxes and a sledge. But the main interest of the picture lay in the sky. Streams and veils of light hung like curtains, looped and festooned on invisible hooks hundreds of miles high or blowing out been time, I would have had this slide tinted to show you the colors; pale green and rose, for the most part, with a tinge of crimson along the lower edge of that curtain-like formation. This is taken with ordinary emulsion. Now I'd like you to look at a picture taken with the special emulsionsideways in the stream of some unimaginable wind."What is that?" said the voice of the Sub-Rector."It's a picture of the Aurora.""It's a very fine photogram," said the Palmerian Professor. "One of the best I've seen.""Forgive my ignorance," said the shaky voice of the old Precentor, "but if I ever knew what the Aurora was, I have forgotten. Is it what they call the Northern Lights?""Yes. It has many names. It's composed of storms of charged particles and solar rays of intense and extraordinary strength-invisible in themselves, but causing this luminous radiation when they interact with the atmosphere. If there'd

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wassily Kandinsky Flood Improvisation

Wassily Kandinsky Flood ImprovisationVincent van Gogh Autumn LandscapeVincent van Gogh Le Moulin de la Galette
truly happening: because while the man's eyes were closed, Mrs. Coulter secretly tilted a few drops from a small flask into the glass before filling it again with wine.
"Here, darlingmonkey's hands. The monkey shook her off in contempt.
Lena Feldt tried to swing her bow up, but a fatal paralysis had touched her shoulder. She couldn't make herself do it. This had never happened before, and she uttered a little cry.
"Oh, it's too late for that," said Mrs. Coulter. "Look at the lake, witch."," she whispered. "Let's drink, to each other…"He was already intoxicated. He took the glass and sipped greedily, once, again, and again.And then, without any warning, Mrs. Coulter stood up and turned and looked Lena Feldt full in the face."Well, witch," she said, "did you think I don't know how you make yourself invisible?" Lena Feldt was too surprised to move.Behind her, the man was struggling to breathe. His chest was heaving, his face was red, and his daemon was limp and fainting in the

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jean Fragonard Young Girl Reading

Jean Fragonard Young Girl ReadingJean Fragonard The Stolen KissJean Fragonard The Love Letter
Do, please," said Dr. Payne.
"Well, I understand that you've made some fascinating discoveries in the field of consciousness. Yes, I know, you haven't published anything yet, and it's a long way—seemingly—from the apparent subject of your research. in the many-worlds area. I think you are the people to do it. And third, there is a particular matter connected with an individual. A child."
He paused there, andcouldn't speak. She'd gone pale, though she couldn't know that, but she did know that she felt faint.
"For various reasons," Sir Charles went on, "I am in contact with the intelligence Nevertheless, word gets around. And I'm especially interested in that. I would be very pleased if, for example, you were to concentrate your research on the manipulation of consciousness. Second, the many-worlds hypothesis—Everett, you remember, 1957 or thereabouts—I believe you're on the track of something that could take that theory a good deal further. And that line of research might even attract defense funding, which as you may know is still plentiful, even today, and certainly isn't subject to these wearisome application processes.""Don't expect me to reveal my sources," he went on, holding up his hand as Dr. Malone sat forward and tried to speak. "I mentioned the Official Secrets Act; a tedious piece of legislation, but we mustn't be naughty about it. I confidently expect some advances

Andy Warhol Flowers 1970

Andy Warhol Flowers 1970Maxfield Parrish daybreakCassius Marcellus Coolidge Dogs Playing Poker
Russia. At the Munich conference, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov praised the "very positive" tone set by Mr. Biden. And Mr. Ivanov's tone? Less positive. Russia will continue to build military bases in Georgia's - The Arab street. "I have Muslim members of my family," Mr. Obama recently told Al-Arabiya. Yet so far his efforts at outreach have been met with derision from Arab hard-liners and "liberals" alike.
"We welcomed him with almost total enthusiasm until he underwent his first breakaway republics. It will press ahead with the fueling of the Bushehr reactor.Russia also won't hesitate to complicate the U.S. position in Afghanistan -- and then lie about what it has done in a manner worthy of the late Andrei Gromyko. "There is no correlation between the decision of the Kyrgyz republic and the loans that the Russian federation granted," Mr. Ivanov said, referring to Kyrgyzstan's oddly timed decision to close an airbase used by the U.S. to supply Afghanistan after securing a $2 billion Russian "loan."

Friday, February 6, 2009

Vincent van Gogh Flower Beds in Holland

Vincent van Gogh Flower Beds in HollandClaude Monet Water LiliesClaude Monet Chemin dans les Bles a Pourville
analysis of the biological costs vs benefits.Sequential hermaphroditism naturally occurs in various organisms from plants to fishes. Following four decades of research that established why sex change is advantageous, the question remained why it is rare among animals. In this study, Yale graduate student Erem Kazancıoğlu and his advisor Suzanne Alonzo, assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, demonstrate that sex change is surprisingly robust against costs.

While the adaptive advantage of sex change is well understood, it is not clear why relatively few animals change sex. According to Alonzo, "An intuitive, yet rarely studied, explanation is that the considerable time or energy it takes to change sex make hermaphroditism unfeasible for most animals."
To test whether the biological costs of changing sex affect sex change actually occurs, the researchers built theoretical models of the hermaphrodite and separate-sex. In their "models, sex change "players" vary the

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Leroy Neiman American Gold

Leroy Neiman American GoldLeroy Neiman American Bald EagleLeroy Neiman America's Cup
What's happening is that the Shadows are responding to the attention that you pay them. That's revolutionary enough; it's our consciousness that they respond to, you see."
"No," Lyra explained, "what I mean is, those colors and shapes up there. They could do other things, those Shadows. -six symbols laid out around the edge. She knew them so well now that her fingers automatically twisted in her lap as she moved the imaginary hands to point at the candle (for understanding), the alpha and omega (for language), and the ant (for diligence), and framed the question: What would these people have to do in order to understand the language of the Shadows?
The screen responded as quickly as thought itself, and out of the welter They could make any shapes you wanted. They could make pictures if you wanted them to. Look."And she turned back and focused her mind again, but this time she pretended to herself that the screen was the alethiometer, with all thirty

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Henri Rousseau The Football Players

Henri Rousseau The Football PlayersPaul Cezanne Vase with FlowersPaul Cezanne The Black Clock
didn't know what to say.
"You have," she went on. "You wouldn't be human else. You'd be… half dead. We seen a kid with his daemon cut away. You en'tabout what I'm looking for. There must be some Scholars in this world. There must be someone who knows about it."
"Maybe not in this world. But I came here out of a place called Oxford. There's plenty of scholars there, if that's what you want." like that. Even if you don't know you've got a daemon, you have. We was scared at first when we saw you. Like you was a night-ghast or something. But then we saw you weren't like that at all.""We?""Me and Pantalaimon. Us. But you, your daemon en't separate from you. It's you. A part of you. You're part of each other. En't there anyone in your world like us? Are they all like you, with their daemons all hidden away?"Will looked at the two of them, the skinny pale-eyed girl with her black-rat daemon now sitting in her arms, and felt profoundly alone."I'm tired. I'm going to bed," he said. "Are you going to stay in this city?""Dunno. I've got to find out more

Francois Boucher The Marquise de Pompadour

Francois Boucher The Marquise de PompadourFrancois Boucher Nude on a SofaSalvador Dali The Great Masturbator
think so -- and I think the rally it creates will produce investment wins we'll still be talking about decades from now.
The president's of the 1930s. This is a vast 21st-century project designed to improve existing infrastructure and invest in modern technologies like clean energy and broadband -- creating millions of jobs along the way. And a select few industries and companies could benefit disproportionately.
Which companies benefit most?You probably recall how energy independence was a hotly contested issue on the campaign trail. It should be no real surprise that unprecedented plan -- what The Wall Street Journal calls "Obama's New Deal" -- is designed to reignite the economy and address urgent infrastructure issues that can no longer be ignored. These problems caused blackouts in New York City, the levees failing in New Orleans, Minneapolis's I-35W bridge collapsing into the Mississippi River, and on and on.But this isn't the FDR dam-building

Monday, February 2, 2009

John William Waterhouse Waterhouse Narcissus

John William Waterhouse Waterhouse NarcissusJohn William Waterhouse The Lady of ShalottJohn William Waterhouse waterhouse Ophelia
Will trembled with excitement, and his mind leapt to a single point: to a new window in the air between his world and Lyra's. And it would be their secret, and they could go through whenever they chose, and live for a while in each can't, Will...”
And he suddenly knew her thought, and in the same anguished tone, he said, "No, the dead...”
"We must leave it open for them! We must!"
"Yes, otherwise..."
"And we must make enough Dust for them, Will, and keep the window open...”
She was trembling. She felt very young as he held her to his side.
"And if we do," he said shakily, "if we live our lives properly other's worlds, not living fully in either, so their daemons would keep they could grow up together and maybe, much later on, they might have children, who would be secret citizens of two worlds; and they could bring all the learning of one world into the other, they could do all kinds of good...But Lyra was shaking her head."No," she said in a quiet wail, "we